Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Carving Pumpkins! Always so much fun. In the past Erik makes it his goal to find the weirdest/ugliest pumpkin out there to carve. This year he found white pumpkins. I've never seen white ones before. I will say this was one of his better looking pumpkins for sure. Madalyn ended up just helping dig out our pumpkins because her pumpkin was as hard as rock. It took Erik forever just to cut out the top of her pumpkin so we decided for our own safety to not carve hers. All she cared about was digging out all the seeds and "yuckies" anyway.

This year I decided we were all going to be Super Heroes!!! Madalyn has been wanting a super hero cape for awhile now, so I thought why not just make us all one and be them for Halloween. Madalyn loved it! And her and Layna were so cute in them. Now Erik and I on the other hand...:) Well the pictures explain it all.

Who looks best with the hair?????

Cornbelly's Corn Maze

Awhile back in October we went to Cornbelly's Corn Maze at Thanksgiving Point. Thanks to my sister-in-law Gretchen we got a great deal, otherwise us cheepos would probably have never gone. :) We all had a lot of fun, however we made the mistake by doing the corn maze last so Madalyn was tired and hungry, and both Erik and I were getting frustrated that we couldn't find our stupid way out of the maze. We should have gone through the maze first I guess.
Madalyn loved the princess corner. They let them dress up in any princess outfit they could find. Madalyn could have stayed there all day if we let her.

They had a lot of fun things to play on and what not. Even Layna was having fun:)

The best part were the huge jumping pillows. Erik and I want one in our backyard!