Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloweeeeeeen!

Our Halloween festivities started at our Ward Halloween party last weekend. The best part was trunk-or-treating even though Madalyn had no clue what was going on. The first couple trunks we went to she kept looking at me like "What the heck are we doing Mom, stealing candy from people's cars? This is crazy!" After awhile she could have cared less how we were getting it, all she cared about was the candy. I think we're going to have ourselves a little girl with a HUGE sweet tooth. I had to hide all the candy so she would stop asking for it. Thankfully her Aunt Amanda came over and ate ALL of it! Freshman. They are such mooches. :)

For Family night last Monday we had Scott, Jacqueline and Amanda over to carve pumpkins. I'd say between all of our pumpkins, it was quite a toss up who's was the best.

Madalyn had a blast cleaning out the pumpkins. She thought the stringy stuff in the middle was pretty cool.

On the other hand, Amanda...well let's just say, I think this was her first time carving a pumpkin. She really needs to get out more. :)

Then of course we had to go trick-or-treating with Madalyn. The best part about kids is that you get to start doing little kids things all over again! It's GREAT! However, trick-or-treating isn't quite what it used to be when I was a kid. I remember leaving at 5 or 6 and not stopping till 10 or 11. Now people who go past 8 are looked at funny. Madalyn knew what she was doing this time and loved it. There was one house that the guy who answered it was wearing a mask and scared all the kids. Madalyn just started screaming. It was really pretty funny. Madalyn dressed up as Cinderella this year. "Lella" to her. She loved the dress. She would just stand in front of the mirror and stare at herself. She's definitly a girl! Sorry Daddy. :)

We went trick-or-treating with Carter and Berkley. Carter was T-rex and Berkley was a fairy. All three of them were so cute. However, it was pretty hard to get a good picture of all of them. Whoever thought little children would stand still when they know candy is within reach is crazy.
Sorry the pictures aren't the best quality. Until we get a new camera we're using our video camera, and obviously it doesn't take the best still shots.


Amy S said...

Ok Madalyn looked so cute in her costume. I can't believe how big she is getting! I think its time for another roomie dinner.