Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Father's Day?!

Erik is an awesome husband and a wonderful Dad. Especially since I've started working he has done more then his fair share around the house. I had to work the night before Father's Day and the night of Father's day and also had to go to all three hours of church because the primary was singing in sacrament meeting....and so we celebrated Father's Day that Friday and Saturday since we knew I would me sleeping as much as possible on Sunday...although it was still only a few hours BLAH! I felt so bad that I couldn't do more for Erik, but being as great as he didn't bother him a bit. Actually, you would have thought it was Mother's Day again or something. I woke up just in time to go to church and Erik had a big breakfast all ready for Madalyn and I, not to mention he basically took care of Madalyn all day also. I really take him for granted some times. I know that without so much help from him, me going back to work wouldn't work, so I'm glad he is so supportive of me and Madalyn. We LOVE him lots!!! Especially Madalyn does, "Daddy" is by far her favorite word.