Monday, July 28, 2008

Who's grateful they WEREN'T a pioneer?!

In honor of pioneer weekend we thought we'd take a little hike....with Madalyn! We borrowed Erik's brother's backpack to put Madalyn in. We tried to prepare her and put her in it at home a few times and she thought it was pretty cool. Just like the first twentyish minutes of our hike! :) And that was IT for her. She wanted nothing else to do with that backpack. We chose to hike up to Stewart Falls...which shouldn't be that long of a hike...unless of course you are walking with an 17 month girl who stops every foot to smell the flowers, weeds, whatever she can find and to play in the dirt. Needless to say we turned around about a half-hour after she gave up on the backpack and unfortunatly didn't even make it to Stewart Falls. The only thing that kept her happy on the hike down was to let her suck on my camelback. That little girl drank almost the whole thing. At least we didn't have to worry about her getting dehydrated in the heat. :) So after that adventure we've decided we're grateful for the pioneers, but that's it. We don't in the least bit wish we could have ever been one. If we were, I don't think I would have had children, so I'm glad I wasn't.


Leslie said...

Hi Lisa! I just looked over most of your blog. You have one beautiful family! I can't believe Madalyn is so old now! It's so much fun to read about what you've been up to. How's work going?


Anonymous said...

love your blog Lisa!!! So fun, and a great way to catch up on what is going on in your life!! I am so happy for you. You seem great, and look awesome!!!

Blake and Meg said...

Hey.... Where'd you go? I need a new blog post so I can see cutie pics of Maydalyn!